I had a problem of not knowing how to confront and tell the truth to someone, whether I agree or disagree with the person’s actions or words.
I tend to be friendly-nice and tried to maintain the peace by being a peacekeeper. I did not want to cause anyone to feel upset or rejected, or choose sides.
Turned out, I would only make matters worse and awkward. By trying to maintain peace, I normally kept silent and do not want to choose sides, which irks the one who is right; and especially appear to silently agree with the one who is in the wrong.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9
The Bible teaches us to correct our brother or sister with love, if the person have committed a sin or caused a fault.
If we keep silent about it, it means that we are in agreement with the sin.
When we are in agreement with the sin, we would not be able to maintain the peace because it is a false sense of peace driven by fear of man and not fear of God.
To be a peacemaker, we have to deal with the sin for correction and repentance to take place. With the fear of God, sin will be cast out and true peace will come.
From many experiences, I have learnt that I need to confront the sinner with love and deal with the situation, to maintain true peace and be driven by true brotherly and sisterly love, just as how much God loves us and chastises us from sinning further.