Suppressing Our Heart’s Nudges

I have been questioning myself many times, “What is my life purpose?”. I have been looking for it high and low elsewhere, and neglecting what’s really in my heart all these while. Recently, I realised that my life’s purpose has been implanted in me all these while. I have been …

Let Go and Let God…

About 10 years ago, God spoke to me very clearly to let go of the rope that I was clinging to. I had a strong grasp of my past and everything that I had at that very moment, which I thought was my world and my everything. Whatever that I …

Special Feb 14th Day

February 14th is a very special date for me. No, am not into the crazy romantic love celebration thingy.. Somehow, this date have a significant impact to me, because I believe God spoke to me very specially on this date, both 5 years ago and today. Exactly five years ago, …

Drawing Closer to God

I was looking out of the window whilst the airplane was landing closer towards the airport landing strip, the shadow of the airplane caught my eyes. My inner spirit man leaped as I watched the airplane’s shadow gets bigger as the airplane draws closer to land. This visual reveals to …

Overcomers By Faith

I have been holding off from creating this blog website for years. The recent passing of an inspirator who impacted my life through his life, have finally awaken my soul. It has been in my heart to start a blog website to journal devotions or reflections that I had experienced …